
And not because I'm some sad, locked-in loser either

And not because I'm some sad, locked-in loser either (although that is debatable.) You see, I don't need the usual distractions - booze, fun, women, daylight, other people, normal human society - all fade into obscurity. Whoever gets their human missile the furthest is the winner. There's a story to this - you may have seen our recent articleNIKE FREE RUN, 'The A-Team - Then And Now.' If you haven't, then you'd better drag your worthless ass over there. The Oddballs are mainly famous for their rather racy (and un-nervingly homo-erotic) 'baloon dance,' which basically involves them prancing about naked with baloons covering their pinkened, shrunken manhoodsTimberland 6 Inch Femme.It seems the local newspapers were all over this event, keen to bring you the latest on this extreme spectator sport for the new millenium. I look over at my clock with the sudden realisation that there are literally hundreds and thousands of people out there getting wasted on cheap booze and generally having a much better time than me. However, to fully master the sport the athlete must also possess the strength of an ox, the speed of a leopard, the timing of a magician, the patience of a predator and the appearance of a rather large bull sitting on a wasp. Both men and women can play and even compete against each other head-to-head. Injury is a serious threat to the career of a Throwing Dwarf who, if on tour, can earn a six-figure sum for allowing people to share in their very specialised field of expertise.""Unlike golf, this is a true spectator's sport worthy of any Olympic games but thanks of the interventions of 'persons who negotiate a humour deficiency' no professional body has been created to globally organise and fund what can only be described as the only sport that promotes an unprejudiced view of society (even though a British Association of Dwarf Throwers does currently exist)."Christopher Reeve shudders in his grave. Although I shudder to think what kind of prizes would be given. Lois Lane silently weeps.These flying midgets get six figure salaries? Can this be true?! Which makes me wonder - who in the name of Jesus H Jones pays these people? Is there a Flying Midgets union? Can you imagine putting this on your resume? I wonder if these talented human missiles get hazard pay?Basically the rules are as follows; you pick up your selected midget (who will likely be adorning some kind of safety helmet and vest), take a three step run-up and throw the little bugger as far as you possibly can. The measure banning dwarf-tossing was passed with a wide margin, and dwarf-tossing was outlawed in both Florida and New York. I rub my eyes, sigh, shake my head and get back on with it. Wow, that must have been one hell of a sight - hundreds of people marching down on the houses of law, demanding that the vertically-challenged have the right to stay on the ground. Perhaps they have a special wing in the jails for the dwarf-tossers. I guarantee it is genuine. Johnny Law will be two steps behind you ready to throw your bitch ass in jail. The throw was an impressive 12 feet 9 inches. We might suck at the Olympics, or any other real sport for that matter, but damn - we really can let those midgets fly.Understandably, when people heard about this sick, non-PC, offensive, yet strangely fascinating sport, they rallied en-masse to have it banned. Why? Because I have stumbled upon the ancient art of Midget Throwing!Perhaps it's a sign of the times. Cuddles belongs to a team of circus escapees calling themselves Oddballs. It seems not much happens in whatever sleepy-hick-filled country hovel this took place in (we will call it Sheepball-on-sea.) Either that, or there was some crazy, sickening midget sex fetish going on at the time...Oh, and by the way (if you give a shit) - according to some random, haggared site I've since forgotten about, the English are still world champs. After putting that particular masterpiece online, I read through and one sentence in particular lept out at me: "Mr T is winner of the World's Nike TN Requin Plating Homme Toughest Bouncer contest. Hmmm...Despite all this fancy legal action, this bizzare sport is still taking place today. It's dark outside. Damned hindsight.The year was 1989, and the world's only support group for the vertically-challenged - The Little People Of America - went to Florida and convinced the lawmakers there that this strange sport is infact cruel and should be stopped. who knows?The Roots.The first of these twisted little events to get any real recognition was The Dwarf Throwing World Championship (I kid you not) which took place some time in 1986 - further proof as to what a messed up decade that was. Another black eye to national pride, methinks. Perhaps I have finally gone crazy. During my research for this article / compulsive waste of time, I stumbled across some random Satan-type website that had a section on Dwarf-Tossing. It's 2am. I bet he loves his mommy and everything. I've spent all night looking at flying dwarves. One thing I noticed - if you look closely at the photos - it's the same midget being thrown by each one of those hickory hillbillies. That particular toss-fest was won by Team England - Danny Blue, Roy Merrin and Lenny The Giant the heroes of the hour.Making And Breaking Records.Take a glance at the rather marvellous newspaper clipping to the right. In conclusion... I care not for these things. The current world record for the longest throw is held by some white trash nutcase called Cuddles. Bless. These photos (see below) were taken at a recent event, probably deep in the heart of Sheepball-on-sea. I wish I could have been there. One of the events in the competition was dwarf tossing (since outlawed.)" Dwarf Tossing?! That sounds amazing! I just had to find out more!!The lost sport that is Dwarf Tossing / Midget Throwing originated in Australia in the 1980's - a pub game for bored white trash country types, bored with driving their tractors. Later Dave Flood who appears on a morning radio talk show as "Dave the Dwarf," took the issue to court and made the sport illegal in bars. According to one website (hosted on the ever-trusty BBC.co.uk no less):"This pub sport can be played by anyone, as the need for heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages as preparation purposes is completely optional, but strongly recommended. Want to abuse a midget? Now you have to get in your car and drive... This has meant the customary swapping of shirts at the end of each competition has been scrapped, due to the women's constant complaints that the shirts given to them were always too small and that they wouldn't want to wear the shirt of a 'chauvinist pig who got his kicks throwing persons of restricted growth anyway'.Large muscles, strong legs and the arbitrary beer belly are the physical secret weapons of a true dwarf-throwing athlete. The poor bastard! That's just not right! He doesn't even get a helmet or anything!Remember folks no matter how bizzare, different, or strangely fascinating this obscure and perverse sport may seem, don't try it. And there you have it - possibly the most non-PC sport ever invented. Thanks Dave.In Ontario, Canada, the Dwarf Tossing Ban Act, 2003 was enacted, with penalties of a fine of not more than $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than six months, or both. it's never cool to be a tosser.An Article By: Part-time Ninja of [http://www.twistededge.co.uk]The original article for this is at: http://twistededge.org/articles/Midget_Throwing/This article is one of many amazing and bizzare articles available for free at: [http://www.twistededge.co.uk]Article is from [http://www.twistededge.co.uk] - where humour goes to die.There are two kinds of people in this world; those who love TwistedEdge... In order for 'persons pacified with their horizontally-perpendicular circumstances' to take part in a throwing competition they must always wear full protective clothing. Unfortunately for the men, the women who generally participate tend to have male like qualities. Not because I'm better than them. You've heard about what they do to rapists in prison, right? Imagine what they'd do to a Dwarf Thrower. Yet, in the LPA's home state of Texas, you can still throw migdets about to your heart's content. Sexual favours perhaps... and those who haven't been there yet..

This is not the first time this has happened

This is not the first time this has happened and sadly this will not be the last. It's very sad but there is always that rotten element out there looking to bring you down because you are successful and moving on in life; because you can go places and do things.Leave, sports stars and never come back! If you do, someone from your home town will not be NIKE FREE RUN,happy to see you come back.What happened to Lonnie Andrews, Jr. They're leaving home, leaving the streets behind for a better life but your friends are being left behind as you move forward. Jealousy sets in because this person or that person did not make it out, did not get a scholarship for college and, for some reason in the African America community, this turns into hate or rage and leads to someone being killed for no reason; for making it out of the inner city.Leave, high school sports stars and never come backNike TN Requin Net Homme is my message to you! Everyone from your world is not happy for the success you have achieved. He was going to play college football, get an education and begin a major part of his life and future but that's all over now. is just another sad and sick story about a promising high school athlete cut down too early who was trying to do something with his life and too often you read about or hear about this on T.V.To all the sports star athletes: once you are set to leave for college, just leave. The future looked great for Lonnie Andrews, Jr. There's a story I read the other day about the football player from Oscar Smith High School in Chesapeake, Virginia, Lonnie Andrews, Jr, who was killed July 1, 2008. And as for the young man who killed Lonnie, what can you really say? His life is ruined as well! Now two lives are over at such a young age.Too many times you read these stories about young African America men who play sports, who come from the inner cities that have been killed. Very sad story from what I'm hearing.The story is that he got into an argument with a 17 year old kid who subsequently shot and killed Andrews. The unfortunate ones who could not play a sport or achieve anything in school are left behind with no future or no hope and often times they don't want you to have a future of your own.The haters out there feel that if they are not able to have a future then they, the haters, don't want you toTimberland 6 Inch Femme have a future either. The young football star was all set to attend Virginia State University on a football scholarship and had many other college programs showing interest in him. Don't tell anyone where you're going and never come back.Woods Recruiting: specializing in helping high school student athletes get recruited for college..


Couple that with abundant opportunities for infidelity,

Couple that with abundant opportunities for infidelity, and it's a rare athlete that can make both sports and marriage work. Experts have estimated that between 60% and 80% of all marriages involving professional athletes end in divorce. Since the divorce rate NIKE FREE RUN,for other couples is around 50%, it becomes obvious that there must be a hidden link between playing professional sports and divorce.Many of the reasons athletes have a high divorce rate are the same things that cause any divorce. In addition, though, sports stars have TN 2011 the added pressures of long-distance relationships, a plethora of women throwing themselves at them because they're famous, and having to learn to deal with money and fame too quickly without time to learn how to manage the power they bring correctly. Highly-paid professional athletes aren't likely to embrace a change in lifestyle feeling that their marriage is much more expendable than their career is. After all, what are they going to do if they give up the sports they know and love? Certainly nothing that's going to pay just as well.It's appalling that the divorce rate amongst sports professionals is so high and that so many wives and children are getting caught in the cross fire. Athletes who have to be away from home all the time for games and training find it difficult to maintain their marriages. Since sports stars retire earlier than other people, there's plenty of time left after retirement to have a wife and children. Given the statistics, athletes should realize that they need to put a private life on hold throughout their professional career. You can well imagine how difficult it would be to give up a life of fame and fortune, and these pros usually aren't willing to do so. Others marry before their rise to celebrity status, and eventually they decide they'd rather be single again and be able to play the wide field that has opened up before them.In some marriages where the profession of one spouse or the other is causing marital issues, the people involved may decide to take another career path in order to save their relationship. Choosing the wrong mate, getting married too young, and not making the marriage a top priority all lead to a high rate of divorce. Now, in an era Nike TN Requin 3where many people are waiting longer to get married, it should be a simple matter for athletes to do likewise.Get 8 hours of live marriage coaching and proven marriage advice that really works at: Stop divorce or here: Save My Marriage..

A 1/2 point move from any of the numbers can be noteworthy,

A 1/2 point move from any of the numbers can be noteworthy, so take note of these differences carefully.Also, don't let the bad days let you down. However, you need to have a basic understanding on how NFL handicapping really works to be assured of the returns of your betting money.There are a couple of things you should know, before going NIKE FREE RUN,into football handicapping. Plus, one major mistake is the belief that handicapping different sports are done the same way. Just don't obsess over them too much and stay focused in your handicapping.Handicapping the NFL is not as easy at it looks. Everyone has losing days after all, it's unavoidable especially Nike Air Max BW Hommein this kind of sport. Usually, numbers 3 and 7 are the most likely endings. All you can do is to increase your chances of winning, but you cannot predict how the football game will turn out every game.TN 2011 Some people based it on power ratings while some based it on the number of wins and losses. Not everyone succeeds in this because most people do not have the skill, time and effort required for handicapping football. One bad NFL day won't necessarily destroy the whole season. It takes several mind-boggling hours looking over numbers, stats, games, trends, injuries and power ratings to come up with a successful and accurate report.It pays to know your numbers! The key to being successful is knowing and understanding numbers. Others based it simply on their gut feel. Do not look at results short term, but base it on the whole season. Take into account the public wagering action. You have to understand that it takes hard work and determination to be successful in anything you do, which includes football handicapping. Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way of NFL handicapping, only right and wrong predictions. Many people bet without really thinking about their choice. Keep in mind that every sport has its own distinct aspects and inclinations, including college and pro versions of the sport.There are several NFL handicapping services out there, and they improve your chances of succeeding when it comes to betting on the NFL football games. Half of the NFL games end with only ten scoring differences. Take note that if the line moves and odds makers have voiced no opinion, it means that they just want to even out the action.If you yourself want to try your hand in handicapping football, do your homework. These numbers are: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 17. There is still the element of luck when you're betting, after all. If more than 75% of betting money comes from one team rather than the other, then usually it will balance out the spread of the game by adjusting the line slightly. First of all, keep in mind that there is no assurance that you will be successful, even if you go through every number and football game. It takes passion and the right attitude to be successful in this field.Stop being scammed by sports handicappers - use our unique system for NFL and college football - check it out now for free at http://www.FootballCrusher.com.

There are people all over the world who consider boating

There are people all over the world who consider boating as a perfect means to drive their problems away. The type of catch and the skill required to land it seems to be the exciting part of this activity.On the other hand, diving and water skiing are some of the NIKE FREE RUN,common activities particularly for people on vacation. These activities are just as important in terms of relaxation, helping you to remove the harsh reality of life above water and take pleasure in the pristine scenes beneath it.Fishing while boating is also an enjoyable and exciting activity one can experience. Fishing is an activity that is suitable for all ages from eight to eighty. Think of this scenario. Whether you want to go fishing, diving, Nike TN Requin 3 water-skiing, snorkeling or simply want to lie on the deck and bathe in the sunshine, boating activities seem to be totally revitalizing. So the next time that you feel like you are threatened by the trials of daily life and it begins to get you down, just go boating and sail all your worries away!This article was brought to you by Dhana Senkotoiyan, the writer for numerous sites about aluminum boat trailers. Once you are in Nature's clear blue waters, you can feel the calming effects of it that are quite simply invigorating.Relaxation Beyond Compare!Boating helps to relax your senses, improve your mood and help you feel healthier than ever. So when these people feel overworked and need a relaxing diversion, they simply head to the sea and sail away.Whatever purpose you care to employ, whether you like to fish or to water-ski, boating is a great way to bond with family and friends. You are on the deck of your boat, lulled in full serenity by the motions of the waves in the ocean. And in this respect, there are lots of boats of all shapes and sizes that can be fitted to your particular preference.Even if you have never tried boating, and this will be your first time to go sailing, most people find something to like from lolling about on the water. Sound like an exciting and refreshing picture for you? The following article is designed to paint more pictures for you in the hope that it may encourage you to try your hand at sailing or at the very least, splashing around in a boat.The Joys Of BoatingIt is indeed true that boating carries with it a great number of benefits and joys. You can simply spend a day in a boat and fill up your time talking, laughing and enjoying the company while you sail away.Snorkeling and scuba diving are some of the very rewarding activities that you can do while you are boating.Nike Air Max BW Homme All over the world, beaches are equipped with boats that can be rented and sometimes may even come with a captain to help you sail in case you do not have the required sailing experience.What Do You Want From Boating?Whatever kind of boat you like to have, it is important to know your needs. Dhana's latest article discusses used boat trailer parts..


Although, developing countries may provide

Although, developing countries may provide cheaper gambling options they may lack the quality required for efficiently gambling on the Internet.Thus, the country, its laws, the type of gamble, and the payoff rates are all factors that determine if the site is NIKE FREE TILBUD,best for online gambling.Online Gambling provides detailed information on Online Gambling, Online Casino Gambling, Online Gambling Resources, Online Sports Gambling and more. Games such as roulette are extremely unpredictable and can lead to losses in the end. This ensures transparency Shox Nike Pas Cher in gambling activities on the part of the gambling house.Casinos frequently appear to be powerless in providing their players with an appropriate level of privacy and safety to ensure payoffs. A country with lower currency exchange rates will attract customers from other countries where the value of money is higher. Sports betting can be much more thrilling compared to games of chance because of the fervor that is usually found in any sport. However, games such as backgammon and poker are skill games, which provide the player with a better opportunity to win.Sports betting is a comparatively better option than roulette and similar games because the outcome can be predicted. This is because games of chance are such that the "percentages" are with the gambling house rather than the player. The improvement is the result of the two-pronged effect that this type of gambling brings about. This is especially true about Southeast Asian countries where online casinos are attracting customers from the US as well as Britain.The best gambling opportunities exist in skill games rather than in games of chance. Online gambling has improved drastically in the last decade with many sites and companies offering these services. However, if a person wants to gamble on any chanceChaussures DG Pas Cher games then the best site would be that which the Online Gaming Association endorses. This means that companies engaged in such activities benefit firstly because of demographically advantageous situations and secondly because they can easily operate in countries where gambling is illegal.Companies situated in other countries provide the best gambling opportunities because of the differences in currency rates. Online Gambling is affiliated with Free Online Casinos..

This group is actively at work to get a more generous

This group is actively at work to get a more generous allotment of newspaper space for the writings of their members, on the ground that publishers and editorial directors are unappreciative of the extent of public interest in hunting and fishing. CitationNIKE FREE TILBUD, of t h e equipment investment for baseball and football ignores the fact that their money significance derives from the fact that they are essentially spectator sports.Others of the sports require expensive links, courts, rinks, gymnasiums, alleys and slides, all of which do not come under the head of "equipment." By and large, the gunner uses the public land, or some individual's land, for his sport, and the fishermen the streams, paying mighty modest license fees to the States for the privilege. No other sport supports any such comparably successful magazines. Most of these other sporting activities,Tn Classic Nike Pas Cher Femme the article protests, receive vast publicity in newspapers and magazines, while many hours of radio time are given to baseball, football and prize fights, "yet only occasionally is there brief mention of hunting and fishing." This, the Federation organ feels, is because hunting and fishing are not organized as commercial sports, and should not be.The item adds: "If we could reduce to public interest these projects for wildlife perpetuation, if we could catch the public eye with the vast importance of wildlife management, our sport, too, could get the attention in the press and over the air that it richly deserves." This question of more publicity for hunting and fishing is also worrying the Outdoor Writers Association of America, which is predominantly an organization of rod and gun editors. Figures can be made to prove many, many things. First as to the Federation's plea.Modesty has never popularly been regarded as an attribute of the gunner, or the fisherman, and certainly they are not modest in claiming rather more than their share of the country's wildlife, supposedly the property of all the people. In contrast, all other sports, from baseball to croquet, use $61,647,986 for equipment. An issue of Conservation News in a 1946 publicity leaflet of the National Wildlife Federation, stated that the "sportsmen of America are a pretty modest group," and that, "dollar for dollar put into their hunting and fishing, they get less publicity, less public interest and less projects than any other sport." Gunners and fishermen, it is pointed out, spend $60,207,318 for guns, ammunition, fishing tackle and other related equipment. So far as publicity is concerned, there are several extremely successful hunting and fishing magazines, with large circulation, and loaded, cover-to-cover, withShox Nike Pas Cher profitable advertising of guns, ammunition, fishing tackle, sport clothing and liquor. Comparing hunting and fishing with other sporting activities - even listing them together with golf, baseball, football and croquet - is questionable.David is the author of many articles including Best Friend Quotes and also the author of Best life quotesOther articles:Disney movie scripts Disney Movie Quotes.